Helping you get the cover that ensure you & your family have the protection you need.


WARDi Insurance Broking has partnered with Steadfast Group, we have access to over 160 insurance companies.

Insurance can be confusing, let us guide you.

Navigating the complexities of your business, property and personal insurance takes the expertise of a qualified professional. Don’t risk leaving yourself underinsured.


FARM insurance

A Farm is business, a home and why of life. It takes people to live it to understand your needs. We understand you.

From livestock to hay sheds we can help.


When you invest in what you have put in the ground, fertilised and watch grow it's important to to cover it. Be it COTTON, BROADACRE CEREALS, ORCHARD TREES & SEASONAL crops. We offer crop insurance from a number of leading insurers.

Sam know’s crop’s better than most - just ask him!


No one knows what is around the corner . Even the best planned life, can catch a curve ball.

Let us connect you with the professionals who's job is to ensure that your future and family is protected.


Whether you are Small or Large Business, a Sole Trader, a Contractor, a Builder or a Corporation. Let us help safe guard your assets and your livelihood.


You work hard of your weekends and relaxation on the water, should be without stress should something go wrong.

professional INDEMNITY

If you provide advise or consultancy serivices to clients - PI is a must.

Don't let a small mistake cost you big time.

home & contents

Your home is your castle and your memories are priceless. But if you had to put a figure on it, what would they be worth…?

H&C is the single most important insurance policy you will take out.

motor & TRUCK

It’s a fact of life that we need transport. Be it a CAR for private use, a MOTORBIKE for fun or a TRUCK for commercial. We can cover you and ensure you are supported when it really counts.

Did you know we can also help with your Compulsory CTP Green-slips…

everything else

Tax Audit Insurance, Worker Compensation Insurance, Travel Insurance, Builders Warranty, Livestock Insurance, Construction Insurance, Pet Insurance the list goes on!


Let's chat.

Sam was able to find us new cover and save us money - it was simple as having a chat over the phone
— Emily, Warren NSW